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Vann Data’s 5 Ways to Increase Work Efficiency
Vann Data’s 5 Ways to Increase Work Efficiency Mon, Jul 17, 2017 By now, we are all well aware of productivity applications that swear to change performance- but sometimes all it takes is a change in habits and environment. Looking for ways to get more accomplished at the office? Take a look at Vann Data’s low-... Read More

Tips on How to Avoid Computer Eye Strain
Tips on How to Avoid Computer Eye Strain Sat, Jul 08, 2017 Do you ever work on your computer for hours in a row? Us too. With technology and productivity advancements of 2017 paving the way for our future success, it can be hard to look away. The down side to working on a computer at this level is CVS- com... Read More

IT Departments Restructuring the Workplace
IT Departments Restructuring the Workplace Thu, Jun 22, 2017 It’s no secret the way we work today is vastly different than the way people worked years ago. But is the source of change all that different? IT departments have shaped business interfaces for decades, and they still are- but in a new, revolutio... Read More

Cloud Services: Good or Bad for Central Florida Businesses?
Cloud Services: Good or Bad for Central Florida Businesses? Mon, May 22, 2017 Cloud services are one of the biggest advancements technology has seen. They give businesses many reasons to say- yes! Cloud services are good for businesses. The initial reputation of the cloud service may have been intimidating, but when you giv... Read More

Records and Information Management Month: Why We Go Paperless
Records and Information Management Month: Why We Go Paperless Thu, Apr 13, 2017 Happy Records and Information Management Month! While we wouldn't call this month widely observed (or even well-known), we think it's the perfect time to get smart about office documentation. A big part of implementing smart, efficient document or... Read More

Stress Awareness Month: A Calmer Digital Experience
Stress Awareness Month: A Calmer Digital Experience Wed, Apr 12, 2017 It's no secret that our digital lives can be--well, a little stressful. When everything from personal emails to work messages to social media and news updates are thrown together into the same mix, things are bound to get a little "loud." While... Read More

Digital Surveillance for Your Central Florida Business
Digital Surveillance for Your Central Florida Business Mon, Mar 13, 2017 Think you can't benefit from digital surveillance for your business? Think again! This kind of technology may have started with a reputation of exclusivity, saved only for the biggest and most renowned of businesses--today, however, it's a vital (... Read More

In the Office: Time Wasters and Time Savers
In the Office: Time Wasters and Time Savers Thu, Mar 09, 2017 Anyone who's ever worked in an office setting has had their share of productive days... and not-so-fruitful ones. What's the key to making the most of your time at work? We hope to help you find out! In today's blog, we will be going over some of ... Read More

Vann Data's Guide to a Safer Tax Season
Vann Data's Guide to a Safer Tax Season Thu, Feb 16, 2017 Are you looking for ways to make your tax season a little less stressful? Though at times, it can certainly seem like tax season is anything but, we think that taking the right precautions now can lead to more clarity and confidence in the months ahe... Read More

Safeguarding What Matters with Preparation—Not Luck
Safeguarding What Matters with Preparation—Not Luck Mon, Feb 13, 2017 As we approach St. Patrick’s Day, you may be thinking about your luck—do you have enough of it? Or do you need to start collecting wishbones and four-leaf clovers to give yourself a boost? Read More

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